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Building Bridges Ahead of Schedule and Under Budget With REBEL® Sensors



Concrete Construction


Cylinder breaks showed a bridge was ready to open, and REBEL® Sensors proved the concrete had not achieved target strength.


Cylinders cured at higher temperatures and achieved target strength for reopening a Bridge in Franklin County, Ohio, on day 1. REBEL® Sensors showed that in-place concrete did not reach this strength until day 3.

Key Product

REBEL® Sensors

Protected Bridge Loss Cost
REBEL® Sensor and Datalogger Cost
Total Savings for the Project

About the Project

Strength target for form removal and traffic opening = 3.4K psi

(Per ODOT standards, 85%of f'c. In this case, f'c=4K psi)

A bridge in Franklin County, Ohio

195 yards of reinforced concrete

2 REBEL Sensors were placed in the concrete on the east and west sides of the bridge

The REBEL System was deployed, and the sensors showed that in-place concrete did not reach 3.4K psi until day 3.

The Results

Ohio Case Study Temperature

Sensors showed that in-place concrete did not reach this strength until 3 days.

Cylinders cured at higher temperatures achieved target strength for reopening at 1 day.

Ohio Case Study Strength